Episode 11: Diary From Younger Self - Student Loan Payments, No Job: Was a Master’s Degree Worth It? (June 21 - July 4, 2016)

We're back with a new episode for our new segment, "Diary From Younger Self." Host Casby Bias reads her old diary entries written by her younger self (back in 2016) around the time she herself transitioned from college into the real world.

In this episode, younger Casby worries about how she would be paying back her student loans as her grace period comes to an end. She also questions her decision of getting a master’s degree after being out of school for almost seven months and still unemployed.


EPISODE 12: How to Break into Freelancing After College Featuring Jamal Richmond


Episode 10: How to Manage Student Loan Debt After College Featuring Tiffany Lucas